Boreholes (0)
| Engineering geology |
| Fuels |
| Geothermal |
| Groundwater |
| Metallic minerals |
| Non-metallic minerals |
| Stratigraphic |
| Building or dimension stone |
| Unknown |
| Multiple Purpose |
BoreholeTrace (1)
Geochronology (2)
| 0 - 250 |
| 250 - 540 |
| 540 - 1000 |
| 1000 - 1600 |
| 1600 - 2400 |
| 2400 - 2800 |
| 2800 - 4600 |
MineralOccurrences (3)
| Alluvial |
| Construction |
| Hardrock - Fuel |
| Hardrock - Industrial |
| Hardrock - Metals |
| Hardrock - Unknown |
SamplePoints (50)
| Artificial |
| Concentrate |
| Drill cuttings |
| Drill log |
| Environmental |
| Fossil |
| Fossil; Rock |
| Mineral |
| Mineralised |
| Mineralised; Rock |
| Reading/Observation |
| Reading/Observation; Rock |
| Rock |
| Rock; Sediment |
| Sediment |
| Soil |
| Stream Sediment |
| Tailings/mine waste |
GravityBaseStations (5)
GravityMeasurements (6)
AirborneSurveys (7)
LandslideDamagePoint (8)
| Not Classified |
| Insignificant |
| Minor |
| Medium |
| Major |
| Catastrophic |
LandslidePoint (9)
| Activity Unknown |
| Recent or Active |
LandslideLine (10)
ProclaimedLandslipAreas (11)
| Zone A |
| Zone B |
LandslideDamagePolygon (12)
| Catastrophic |
| Major |
| Medium |
| Minor |
| Insignificant |
| Not Classified |
LandslidePolygon (13)
| Recent or Active |
| Activity Unknown |
Landslide_Planning_Map_2024_Components_DRAFT (51)
| Debris flow susceptibility Mountain runout 22-12 Q4a |
| Debris flow susceptibility Mountain runout 26-22 Q3 |
| Debris flow susceptibility Mountain runout 30-26 Q2 |
| Debris flow susceptibility Mountain source + runout >30 Q1 |
| Modelled landslide susceptibility - Regression area |
| Modelled landslide susceptibility - Runout area |
| Modelled landslide susceptibility - Source area |
| Deep-seated slide susceptibility (Rosetta scenario) |
| Landslide buffer - Activity unknown |
| Mapped landslides - Activity unknown |
| Landslide buffer - Recent or active landslide |
| Mapped landslide - Recent or active |
| Proclaimed Landslip A Area |
| Proclaimed Landslip B Area |
| Rockfall runout area 30-34 degrees |
| Rockfall source and runout area 34-42 degrees |
| Rockfall source area > 42 degrees |
| Regression areas adjacent to cliffs > 42 degrees |
| Shallow slide + flow susceptibility - Runout |
| Shallow slide + flow susceptibility - Source - Low |
| Shallow slide + flow susceptibility source-high |
| Shallow slide + flow susceptibility source-moderate |
| Slopes 11-20 degrees |
| Slopes 9-20 degrees (north) |
| Slopes > 20 degrees |
Landslide_Planning_Map_2024_Hazard_Bands_DRAFT (52)
| High |
| Medium-Active |
| Medium |
| Low |
| <all other values> |
Published 3D Models (48)
PetXplorIndex (14)
DocumentIndex (15)
| DomInfo Reports |
| TasXplor Reports |
Geology25kIndex (16)
Geology50kIndex (17)
| Geological Atlas 1:50,000 Series |
| Geological Atlas 1:63,360 Series |
Geology250kIndex (18)
MtReadIndex (19)
| Mount Read Volcanics Project 1:25 000 Maps |
| Mount Read Volcanics Project 1:100 000 Maps |
| Western Tasmanian Regional Minerals Program - Mount Read Volcanics |
EarlierLandslideMappingIndex (20)
| Advisory Landslide Zoning |
| NW Land Stability Hazard Mapping Project |
| Tamar Valley - Advisory Landslide Zoning |
LauncestonMappingIndex (21)
StHelensParnellaIndex (22)
TaroonaIndex (23)
AcidDrainProjectIndex (24)
LandslideIndex (25)
UrbanEngineeringGeologyIndex (26)
StatewideMapsIndex (27)
Historic15840Index (28)
Historic20000Index (29)
Historic25000Index (30)
HistoricMineralChartsIndex (31)
HistoricLandDistrictIndex (32)
FossickingAreas (33)
| Fossicking Area |
Strategic_Resources (34)
| Areas of high prospectivity for metallic minerals |
| Buffered mining leases (all mineral categories) |
StrategicProspectivityZones (35)
LicencesCurrent (36)
| 1,Granted |
| 1,Application |
| 1,Exploration Release Area |
| 1,3,Granted |
| 1,3,Application |
| 1,3,Exploration Release Area |
| 1,3,5,Granted |
| 1,3,5,Application |
| 1,3,5,Exploration Release Area |
| 1,5,Granted |
| 1,5,Application |
| 1,5,Exploration Release Area |
| 5,Granted |
| 5,Application |
| 5,Exploration Release Area |
| 3,5,Granted |
| 3,5,Application |
| 3,5,Exploration Release Area |
| 3,Granted |
| 3,Application |
| 3,Exploration Release Area |
| 2,Granted |
| 2,Application |
| 2,Exploration Release Area |
| 2,3,Granted |
| 2,3,Application |
| 2,3,Exploration Release Area |
| 2,5,Granted |
| 2,5,Application |
| 2,5,Exploration Release Area |
| 4,Granted |
| 4,Application |
| 4,Exploration Release Area |
| 6,Granted |
| 6,Application |
| 6,Exploration Release Area |
| 1,6,Granted |
| 1,6,Application |
| 1,6,Exploration Release Area |
| 99,Granted |
| 99,Application |
LicenceCategory1 (37)
| Category 1 - Granted |
| Category 1 - Application |
| Exploration Release Area |
LicenceCategory2 (38)
| Category 2 - Granted |
| Category 2 - Application |
| Exploration Release Area |
LicenceCategory3 (39)
| Category 3 - Granted |
| Category 3 - Application |
| Exploration Release Area |
LicenceCategory4 (40)
| Category 4 - Granted |
| Category 4 - Application |
| Exploration Release Area |
LicenceCategory5 (41)
| Category 5 - Granted |
| Category 5 - Application |
| Exploration Release Area |
LicenceCategory6 (42)
| Category 6 - Granted |
| Category 6 - Application |
| Exploration Release Area |
LicencesHistoric (43)
LeasesCurrent (44)
| Mining Lease |
| Mining Lease Application |
LeasesHistoric (45)
UnavailableAreas (46)