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Vehicle to slow before asset and travel in right lane at a maximum constant speed of 10 km/hr. No other heavy vehicle on bridge within 100m in either direction. 1 pilot vehicle and 2 escorts required." }, { "symbol": { "type": "esriPMS", "url": "25cd18189fc39f6ff9f434653ed28ee6", "imageData": "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", "contentType": "image/png", "width": 12, "height": 12, "angle": 0, "xoffset": 0, "yoffset": 0 }, "value": "CO41", "label": "C41. 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Vehicles travelling south to wrong-side into the north-bound carriageway and travel over asset. Vehicle travelling north to remain in the north-bound carriageway. 1 pilot vehicle and 2 escorts required.", "symbol": { "type": "esriPMS", "url": "292e4541b8268acea7c7f8731ce1d977", "imageData": "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAA8AAAAPCAYAAAA71pVKAAAACXBIWXMAAA7EAAAOxAGVKw4bAAAAyUlEQVQokWNhoACw4JHzZWBgmAmlz5Ki2ZeBgWHTtBZlhqyau2cYGBhMsBnAgkvj+lmaDN5OQgxGOjwMFgEXsRrAgk8jCIA0n9igj9UAFnwaYQCXASyENOIzgAUqNxMUOLg0IhtQmyfH0Dzp0WYGBgYpuM2gUAVJgjAusHXfO5BGEDMd2dkgP5iAnARyGjYDQBoD066DmH4MDAyb0QMMpwHYNDJgiSoMA3BpxKYZxQBo4GDViEsz3ABoqIICB0MjPs0wA6TwyDMAAF+dYeEY5umpAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC", "contentType": "image/png", "width": 11, "height": 11, "angle": 0, "xoffset": 0, "yoffset": 0 }, "values": [ [ "C34" ] ] }, { "label": "C36. No other heavy vehicle on bridge within 200m in direction of travel. 1 pilot vehicle required.", "description": "C36. No other heavy vehicle on bridge within 200m in direction of travel. 1 pilot vehicle required.", "symbol": { "type": "esriPMS", "url": "292e4541b8268acea7c7f8731ce1d977", "imageData": "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAA8AAAAPCAYAAAA71pVKAAAACXBIWXMAAA7EAAAOxAGVKw4bAAAAyUlEQVQokWNhoACw4JHzZWBgmAmlz5Ki2ZeBgWHTtBZlhqyau2cYGBhMsBnAgkvj+lmaDN5OQgxGOjwMFgEXsRrAgk8jCIA0n9igj9UAFnwaYQCXASyENOIzgAUqNxMUOLg0IhtQmyfH0Dzp0WYGBgYpuM2gUAVJgjAusHXfO5BGEDMd2dkgP5iAnARyGjYDQBoD066DmH4MDAyb0QMMpwHYNDJgiSoMA3BpxKYZxQBo4GDViEsz3ABoqIICB0MjPs0wA6TwyDMAAF+dYeEY5umpAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC", "contentType": "image/png", "width": 11, "height": 11, "angle": 0, "xoffset": 0, "yoffset": 0 }, "values": [ [ "C36" ] ] }, { "label": "C37. No other heavy vehicle on bridge within 200m in either direction. 1 pilot vehicle required.", "description": "C37. No other heavy vehicle on bridge within 200m in either direction. 1 pilot vehicle required.", "symbol": { "type": "esriPMS", "url": "292e4541b8268acea7c7f8731ce1d977", "imageData": "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAA8AAAAPCAYAAAA71pVKAAAACXBIWXMAAA7EAAAOxAGVKw4bAAAAyUlEQVQokWNhoACw4JHzZWBgmAmlz5Ki2ZeBgWHTtBZlhqyau2cYGBhMsBnAgkvj+lmaDN5OQgxGOjwMFgEXsRrAgk8jCIA0n9igj9UAFnwaYQCXASyENOIzgAUqNxMUOLg0IhtQmyfH0Dzp0WYGBgYpuM2gUAVJgjAusHXfO5BGEDMd2dkgP5iAnARyGjYDQBoD066DmH4MDAyb0QMMpwHYNDJgiSoMA3BpxKYZxQBo4GDViEsz3ABoqIICB0MjPs0wA6TwyDMAAF+dYeEY5umpAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC", "contentType": "image/png", "width": 11, "height": 11, "angle": 0, "xoffset": 0, "yoffset": 0 }, "values": [ [ "C37" ] ] }, { "label": "C41. Vehicle to slow before asset and travel over asset at a maximum constant speed of 10 km/hr. No other heavy vehicle on bridge within 100m in direction of travel. 1 pilot vehicle required.", "description": "C41. Vehicle to slow before asset and travel over asset at a maximum constant speed of 10 km/hr. No other heavy vehicle on bridge within 100m in direction of travel. 1 pilot vehicle required.", "symbol": { "type": "esriSMS", "style": "esriSMSCircle", "color": [ 250, 220, 59, 255 ], "size": 7, "angle": 0, "xoffset": 0, "yoffset": 0, "outline": { "color": [ 0, 0, 0, 255 ], "width": 0.8 } }, "values": [ [ "C41" ] ] }, { "label": "C42. Vehicle to slow before asset and travel on centreline of asset at a maximum constant speed of 10 km/hr. No other heavy vehicle on bridge within 100m in direction of travel. 1 pilot vehicle and 2 escorts required.", "description": "C42. Vehicle to slow before asset and travel on centreline of asset at a maximum constant speed of 10 km/hr. No other heavy vehicle on bridge within 100m in direction of travel. 1 pilot vehicle and 2 escorts required.", "symbol": { "type": "esriPMS", "url": "b8ac1e6035bf197e412a3924c5f39199", "imageData": "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAAwAAAAMCAYAAABWdVznAAAACXBIWXMAAA7EAAAOxAGVKw4bAAAAVElEQVQokWNhgAApBgYGSQbC4CwLVPFTSTE2vCqfv/oFoqRBGiRBih8eM8WrQd7qNEiTJEgDSYBlVAMRABxKoEgBhTM+AI04sIazoBgERQoRFpwFAC6wFtCRcMbfAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC", "contentType": "image/png", "width": 9, "height": 9, "angle": 0, "xoffset": 0, "yoffset": 0 }, "values": [ [ "C42" ] ] }, { "label": "C43. Vehicle to slow before asset and travel over asset at a maximum constant speed of 10 km/hr. Vehicle shall travel in left lane, as close to left footpath as possible. No other heavy vehicle on bridge within 100m in direction of travel. 1 pilot veh reqd", "description": "C43. Vehicle to slow before asset and travel over asset at a maximum constant speed of 10 km/hr. Vehicle shall travel in left lane, as close to left footpath as possible. No other heavy vehicle on bridge within 100m in direction of travel. 1 pilot veh reqd", "symbol": { "type": "esriSMS", "style": "esriSMSCircle", "color": [ 250, 220, 59, 255 ], "size": 7, "angle": 0, "xoffset": 0, "yoffset": 0, "outline": { "color": [ 0, 0, 0, 255 ], "width": 0.8 } }, "values": [ [ "C43" ] ] }, { "label": "C44. Vehicle to slow before asset and travel over asset at a maximum constant speed of 10 km/hr. 1 pilot vehicle required.", "description": "C44. Vehicle to slow before asset and travel over asset at a maximum constant speed of 10 km/hr. 1 pilot vehicle required.", "symbol": { "type": "esriSMS", "style": "esriSMSCircle", "color": [ 250, 220, 59, 255 ], "size": 7, "angle": 0, "xoffset": 0, "yoffset": 0, "outline": { "color": [ 0, 0, 0, 255 ], "width": 0.8 } }, "values": [ [ "C44" ] ] }, { "label": "C46. Vehicle to slow before asset and travel on centreline of carriageway at a maximum constant speed of 10 km/hr. No other heavy vehicle on bridge within 100m in direction of travel. 1 pilot vehicle and 1 escort required.", "description": "C46. Vehicle to slow before asset and travel on centreline of carriageway at a maximum constant speed of 10 km/hr. No other heavy vehicle on bridge within 100m in direction of travel. 1 pilot vehicle and 1 escort required.", "symbol": { "type": "esriSMS", "style": "esriSMSCircle", "color": [ 250, 220, 59, 255 ], "size": 7, "angle": 0, "xoffset": 0, "yoffset": 0, "outline": { "color": [ 0, 0, 0, 255 ], "width": 0.8 } }, "values": [ [ "C46" ] ] }, { "label": "C47. Vehicle to slow before asset and travel in right lane at a maximum constant speed of 10 km/hr. No other heavy vehicle on bridge within 100m in either direction. 1 pilot vehicle and 2 escorts required.", "description": "C47. Vehicle to slow before asset and travel in right lane at a maximum constant speed of 10 km/hr. No other heavy vehicle on bridge within 100m in either direction. 1 pilot vehicle and 2 escorts required.", "symbol": { "type": "esriSMS", "style": "esriSMSCircle", "color": [ 250, 220, 59, 255 ], "size": 7, "angle": 0, "xoffset": 0, "yoffset": 0, "outline": { "color": [ 0, 0, 0, 255 ], "width": 0.8 } }, "values": [ [ "C47" ] ] }, { "label": "C48. Vehicle to slow before asset and travel in left lane at a maximum constant speed of 10 km/hr. No travel in left shoulder. No other heavy vehicle on bridge within 100m in direction of travel. 1 pilot vehicle and 1 escort required.", "description": "C48. Vehicle to slow before asset and travel in left lane at a maximum constant speed of 10 km/hr. No travel in left shoulder. No other heavy vehicle on bridge within 100m in direction of travel. 1 pilot vehicle and 1 escort required.", "symbol": { "type": "esriSMS", "style": "esriSMSCircle", "color": [ 250, 220, 59, 255 ], "size": 7, "angle": 0, "xoffset": 0, "yoffset": 0, "outline": { "color": [ 0, 0, 0, 255 ], "width": 0.8 } }, "values": [ [ "C48" ] ] }, { "label": "C49. Vehicle to slow before asset and travel over asset at a maximum constant speed of 10 km/hr. Vehicles travelling north to wrong-side into the south-bound carriageway and travel over asset. Vehicle travelling south to remain in the south-bound carriageway. 1 pilot vehicle and 2 escorts required.", "description": "C49. Vehicle to slow before asset and travel over asset at a maximum constant speed of 10 km/hr. Vehicles travelling north to wrong-side into the south-bound carriageway and travel over asset. Vehicle travelling south to remain in the south-bound carriageway. 1 pilot vehicle and 2 escorts required.", "symbol": { "type": "esriSMS", "style": "esriSMSCircle", "color": [ 250, 220, 59, 255 ], "size": 7, "angle": 0, "xoffset": 0, "yoffset": 0, "outline": { "color": [ 0, 0, 0, 255 ], "width": 0.8 } }, "values": [ [ "C49" ] ] }, { "label": "C41 (overpass). Vehicle to slow before asset and travel over asset at a maximum constant speed of 10 km/hr. No other heavy vehicle on bridge within 100m in direction of travel. 1 pilot vehicle required.", "description": "C41 (overpass). Vehicle to slow before asset and travel over asset at a maximum constant speed of 10 km/hr. No other heavy vehicle on bridge within 100m in direction of travel. 1 pilot vehicle required.", "symbol": { "type": "esriPMS", "url": "25cd18189fc39f6ff9f434653ed28ee6", "imageData": "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", "contentType": "image/png", "width": 12, "height": 12, "angle": 0, "xoffset": 0, "yoffset": 0 }, "values": [ [ "CO41" ] ] }, { "label": "C42 (overpass). Vehicle to slow before asset and travel on centreline of asset at a maximum constant speed of 10 km/hr. No other heavy vehicle on bridge within 100m in direction of travel. 1 pilot vehicle and 2 escorts required.", "description": "C42 (overpass). Vehicle to slow before asset and travel on centreline of asset at a maximum constant speed of 10 km/hr. No other heavy vehicle on bridge within 100m in direction of travel. 1 pilot vehicle and 2 escorts required.", "symbol": { "type": "esriPMS", "url": "82e50de7563594d5765a9232915e8fe2", "imageData": "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAABAAAAAQCAYAAAAf8/9hAAAACXBIWXMAAA7EAAAOxAGVKw4bAAAAoklEQVQ4jWNhoBCwUM2AjBiJaSxMjKbEaPrHyNg3beGz5SgGHDz+KSDAXUhSWJAVr+ZDpz4xfP3614WBgQHVABCICxZnUJbnYCAEtu9/T4MwQAfhOTfgbAtDXobCZGkGkgxYv+MtLiniDCAWsNDMgF93rAfABY+e/SSo4e3739gN+PD5z+7ovJv6xNjKy818HMOA569+xROjGQTeILmC4jAAAF3ALQehLI4kAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC", "contentType": "image/png", "width": 12, "height": 12, "angle": 0, "xoffset": 0, "yoffset": 0 }, "values": [ [ "CO42" ] ] }, { "label": "Permit required. Contact NHVR", "description": "Permit required. Contact NHVR", "symbol": { "type": "esriPMS", "url": "89a8366bef4cd01b77feb26d3c2cebd8", "imageData": "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAA8AAAAPCAYAAAA71pVKAAAACXBIWXMAAA7EAAAOxAGVKw4bAAAA2UlEQVQoka3TMUpDQRDG8d9oQDvRShsLwUothHS2Ith5AiuxFnKMNLmFEEjqFDbewMp0apOUAQ+gK+FFWPPeSwLxg4VlZ/4z7H6zDWuo8a9wYhct3OAAI/TQCT5r4cQxnnCYHe/hDLeJy+C9BCc2Zx1yMNfRNJ5oBt/zna9nHRbpHFcYzMMXS8A8rwRvW01bv5scfl0RHlbB08dqY2cBOEG/BAeTxD0esVEBfuEu9/qPz0E3FdU7OMlCL3gInvP80oRFMSSnqfB1H+Pgo+oOtbMdvClWrdb6GD+y3CaGWFPxLwAAAABJRU5ErkJggg==", "contentType": "image/png", "width": 11, "height": 11, "angle": 0, "xoffset": 0, "yoffset": 0 }, "values": [ [ "R" ] ] }, { "label": "Permit required (overpass). Contact NHVR", "description": "Permit required (overpass). Contact NHVR", "symbol": { "type": "esriPMS", "url": "ae1e0f1ece1dafc5dff62ca6b73bd46c", "imageData": "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", "contentType": "image/png", "width": 12, "height": 12, "angle": 0, "xoffset": 0, "yoffset": 0 }, "values": [ [ "SR" ] ] } ] } ], "uniqueValueInfos": [ { "symbol": { "type": "esriPMS", "url": "292e4541b8268acea7c7f8731ce1d977", "imageData": "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAA8AAAAPCAYAAAA71pVKAAAACXBIWXMAAA7EAAAOxAGVKw4bAAAAyUlEQVQokWNhoACw4JHzZWBgmAmlz5Ki2ZeBgWHTtBZlhqyau2cYGBhMsBnAgkvj+lmaDN5OQgxGOjwMFgEXsRrAgk8jCIA0n9igj9UAFnwaYQCXASyENOIzgAUqNxMUOLg0IhtQmyfH0Dzp0WYGBgYpuM2gUAVJgjAusHXfO5BGEDMd2dkgP5iAnARyGjYDQBoD066DmH4MDAyb0QMMpwHYNDJgiSoMA3BpxKYZxQBo4GDViEsz3ABoqIICB0MjPs0wA6TwyDMAAF+dYeEY5umpAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC", "contentType": "image/png", "width": 11, "height": 11, "angle": 0, "xoffset": 0, "yoffset": 0 }, "value": "C31", "label": "C31. No other heavy vehicle on bridge within 100m in direction of travel. 1 pilot vehicle required." }, { "symbol": { "type": "esriPMS", "url": "292e4541b8268acea7c7f8731ce1d977", "imageData": "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAA8AAAAPCAYAAAA71pVKAAAACXBIWXMAAA7EAAAOxAGVKw4bAAAAyUlEQVQokWNhoACw4JHzZWBgmAmlz5Ki2ZeBgWHTtBZlhqyau2cYGBhMsBnAgkvj+lmaDN5OQgxGOjwMFgEXsRrAgk8jCIA0n9igj9UAFnwaYQCXASyENOIzgAUqNxMUOLg0IhtQmyfH0Dzp0WYGBgYpuM2gUAVJgjAusHXfO5BGEDMd2dkgP5iAnARyGjYDQBoD066DmH4MDAyb0QMMpwHYNDJgiSoMA3BpxKYZxQBo4GDViEsz3ABoqIICB0MjPs0wA6TwyDMAAF+dYeEY5umpAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC", "contentType": "image/png", "width": 11, "height": 11, "angle": 0, "xoffset": 0, "yoffset": 0 }, "value": "C32", "label": "C32. Vehicle to travel on centreline of asset. No other heavy vehicle on bridge within 100m in direction of travel. 1 pilot vehicle required." }, { "symbol": { "type": "esriPMS", "url": "292e4541b8268acea7c7f8731ce1d977", "imageData": "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAA8AAAAPCAYAAAA71pVKAAAACXBIWXMAAA7EAAAOxAGVKw4bAAAAyUlEQVQokWNhoACw4JHzZWBgmAmlz5Ki2ZeBgWHTtBZlhqyau2cYGBhMsBnAgkvj+lmaDN5OQgxGOjwMFgEXsRrAgk8jCIA0n9igj9UAFnwaYQCXASyENOIzgAUqNxMUOLg0IhtQmyfH0Dzp0WYGBgYpuM2gUAVJgjAusHXfO5BGEDMd2dkgP5iAnARyGjYDQBoD066DmH4MDAyb0QMMpwHYNDJgiSoMA3BpxKYZxQBo4GDViEsz3ABoqIICB0MjPs0wA6TwyDMAAF+dYeEY5umpAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC", "contentType": "image/png", "width": 11, "height": 11, "angle": 0, "xoffset": 0, "yoffset": 0 }, "value": "C33", "label": "C33. Vehicle shall travel in left lane, no travel in left shoulder. No other heavy vehicle on bridge within 100m in direction of travel. 1 pilot vehicle required." }, { "symbol": { "type": "esriPMS", "url": "292e4541b8268acea7c7f8731ce1d977", "imageData": "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAA8AAAAPCAYAAAA71pVKAAAACXBIWXMAAA7EAAAOxAGVKw4bAAAAyUlEQVQokWNhoACw4JHzZWBgmAmlz5Ki2ZeBgWHTtBZlhqyau2cYGBhMsBnAgkvj+lmaDN5OQgxGOjwMFgEXsRrAgk8jCIA0n9igj9UAFnwaYQCXASyENOIzgAUqNxMUOLg0IhtQmyfH0Dzp0WYGBgYpuM2gUAVJgjAusHXfO5BGEDMd2dkgP5iAnARyGjYDQBoD066DmH4MDAyb0QMMpwHYNDJgiSoMA3BpxKYZxQBo4GDViEsz3ABoqIICB0MjPs0wA6TwyDMAAF+dYeEY5umpAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC", "contentType": "image/png", "width": 11, "height": 11, "angle": 0, "xoffset": 0, "yoffset": 0 }, "value": "C34", "label": "C34. Vehicles travelling south to wrong-side into the north-bound carriageway and travel over asset. Vehicle travelling north to remain in the north-bound carriageway. 1 pilot vehicle and 2 escorts required." }, { "symbol": { "type": "esriPMS", "url": "292e4541b8268acea7c7f8731ce1d977", "imageData": "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAA8AAAAPCAYAAAA71pVKAAAACXBIWXMAAA7EAAAOxAGVKw4bAAAAyUlEQVQokWNhoACw4JHzZWBgmAmlz5Ki2ZeBgWHTtBZlhqyau2cYGBhMsBnAgkvj+lmaDN5OQgxGOjwMFgEXsRrAgk8jCIA0n9igj9UAFnwaYQCXASyENOIzgAUqNxMUOLg0IhtQmyfH0Dzp0WYGBgYpuM2gUAVJgjAusHXfO5BGEDMd2dkgP5iAnARyGjYDQBoD066DmH4MDAyb0QMMpwHYNDJgiSoMA3BpxKYZxQBo4GDViEsz3ABoqIICB0MjPs0wA6TwyDMAAF+dYeEY5umpAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC", "contentType": "image/png", "width": 11, "height": 11, "angle": 0, "xoffset": 0, "yoffset": 0 }, "value": "C36", "label": "C36. 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Vehicle to slow before asset and travel over asset at a maximum constant speed of 10 km/hr. 1 pilot vehicle required." }, { "symbol": { "type": "esriSMS", "style": "esriSMSCircle", "color": [ 250, 220, 59, 255 ], "size": 7, "angle": 0, "xoffset": 0, "yoffset": 0, "outline": { "color": [ 0, 0, 0, 255 ], "width": 0.8 } }, "value": "C46", "label": "C46. Vehicle to slow before asset and travel on centreline of carriageway at a maximum constant speed of 10 km/hr. No other heavy vehicle on bridge within 100m in direction of travel. 1 pilot vehicle and 1 escort required." }, { "symbol": { "type": "esriSMS", "style": "esriSMSCircle", "color": [ 250, 220, 59, 255 ], "size": 7, "angle": 0, "xoffset": 0, "yoffset": 0, "outline": { "color": [ 0, 0, 0, 255 ], "width": 0.8 } }, "value": "C47", "label": "C47. Vehicle to slow before asset and travel in right lane at a maximum constant speed of 10 km/hr. No other heavy vehicle on bridge within 100m in either direction. 1 pilot vehicle and 2 escorts required." }, { "symbol": { "type": "esriSMS", "style": "esriSMSCircle", "color": [ 250, 220, 59, 255 ], "size": 7, "angle": 0, "xoffset": 0, "yoffset": 0, "outline": { "color": [ 0, 0, 0, 255 ], "width": 0.8 } }, "value": "C48", "label": "C48. Vehicle to slow before asset and travel in left lane at a maximum constant speed of 10 km/hr. No travel in left shoulder. No other heavy vehicle on bridge within 100m in direction of travel. 1 pilot vehicle and 1 escort required." }, { "symbol": { "type": "esriSMS", "style": "esriSMSCircle", "color": [ 250, 220, 59, 255 ], "size": 7, "angle": 0, "xoffset": 0, "yoffset": 0, "outline": { "color": [ 0, 0, 0, 255 ], "width": 0.8 } }, "value": "C49", "label": "C49. Vehicle to slow before asset and travel over asset at a maximum constant speed of 10 km/hr. Vehicles travelling north to wrong-side into the south-bound carriageway and travel over asset. 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Contact NHVR" }, { "symbol": { "type": "esriPMS", "url": "ae1e0f1ece1dafc5dff62ca6b73bd46c", "imageData": "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", "contentType": "image/png", "width": 12, "height": 12, "angle": 0, "xoffset": 0, "yoffset": 0 }, "value": "SR", "label": "Permit required (overpass). 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No other heavy vehicle on bridge within 100m in direction of travel.", "description": "C32. Vehicle to travel on centreline of asset. No other heavy vehicle on bridge within 100m in direction of travel.", "symbol": { "type": "esriPMS", "url": "e0cbea66da378b038937246ff45f66cb", "imageData": "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAABAAAAAQCAYAAAAf8/9hAAAACXBIWXMAAA7EAAAOxAGVKw4bAAABPElEQVQ4jbWTsUsCYRjGf593aZQE0VDUJJgirhGtDREELUH4J7QJSjQ0HQ0GJadD/R9NTS1OBW1FHYrUWEtDWXRZd29oStR5XiA98MHHC8/ve96X79UZUPq/AKomM+KwHoKEKGwRzpwXjtIGzUBAtUgOl4JSDEunphToUW6rRTLJTc59AbV9sgKmT9oYcFIrsZDIYXkAN2Ummw67qvtsb425LmVg2QNoOqwpYaSvvdWOsHS1x1R6i/sfgFBrYEHuDiOsk4RfABHsv/nBhVdPC6I4Dei/q+fwExcewF2D4+lRLBSpAMBBzPhOq3cviwYflklGc6kIjPdyilDRIhi+/yCV57JuMu+4lICVr9m29QgcahF2ZrO8+QJaiuepA6tWgQltiLiEsBtRruc2eO+VyneZUts8QPv01cDb+Al3gl1lg23yOAAAAABJRU5ErkJggg==", "contentType": "image/png", "width": 12, "height": 12, "angle": 0, "xoffset": 0, "yoffset": 0 }, "values": [ [ "C32" ] ] }, { "label": "C31. No other heavy vehicle on bridge within 100m in direction of travel", "description": "C31. No other heavy vehicle on bridge within 100m in direction of travel", "symbol": { "type": "esriPMS", "url": "e0cbea66da378b038937246ff45f66cb", "imageData": "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", "contentType": "image/png", "width": 12, "height": 12, "angle": 0, "xoffset": 0, "yoffset": 0 }, "values": [ [ "C31" ] ] }, { "label": "C41. 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No other heavy vehicle on bridge within 100m in direction of travel", "symbol": { "type": "esriPMS", "url": "f027f39b06216637a641d2640a1ecf63", "imageData": "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", "contentType": "image/png", "width": 12, "height": 12, "angle": 0, "xoffset": 0, "yoffset": 0 }, "values": [ [ "CO41" ] ] }, { "label": "Permit required. Contact NHVR", "description": "Permit required. Contact NHVR", "symbol": { "type": "esriPMS", "url": "360661e7ae559024f5ed692641277a83", "imageData": "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAABAAAAAQCAYAAAAf8/9hAAAACXBIWXMAAA7EAAAOxAGVKw4bAAAA6klEQVQ4jbXTzypFURTH8c/SGchAyYAyUrryAvICUspEyVsobyADZhjwHkZGJkaUGcVEmZoYKOX6U1u3e27drrPvOXXzq12rvVrffmvtvQojqvgXQGIOW2ihjRucB1+1gMQuDjA+kHpObAe3WUBiB0cZt/O4TKwEj38AiRkcDusXkzjBWpWDTUyo12piNngZBLQ0U2BRBaCtuT56QdF3ed2w+B13VYAL3eku1QBOo89t0QuCn8474wpTmeJObi/7D4L7xDKOsY6xMvWGM+wHn1lACXnCRmIaC+VwH4LvKkvZZQpedc9QjbyNv9FuLpDWoTYVAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC", "contentType": "image/png", "width": 12, "height": 12, "angle": 0, "xoffset": 0, "yoffset": 0 }, "values": [ [ "R" ] ] }, { "label": "Permit required (overpass). Contact NHVR", "description": "Permit required (overpass). 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Vehicle shall travel in left lane, as close to left footpath as possible. No other heavy vehicle on bridge within 100m in direction of travel. 1 pilot vehicle required.", "symbol": { "type": "esriSMS", "style": "esriSMSCircle", "color": [ 250, 220, 59, 255 ], "size": 7, "angle": 0, "xoffset": 0, "yoffset": 0, "outline": { "color": [ 0, 0, 0, 255 ], "width": 0.8 } }, "values": [ [ "C43" ] ] }, { "label": "C44. Vehicle to slow before asset and travel over asset at a maximum constant speed of 10 km/hr. 1 pilot vehicle required.", "description": "C44. Vehicle to slow before asset and travel over asset at a maximum constant speed of 10 km/hr. 1 pilot vehicle required.", "symbol": { "type": "esriSMS", "style": "esriSMSCircle", "color": [ 250, 220, 59, 255 ], "size": 7, "angle": 0, "xoffset": 0, "yoffset": 0, "outline": { "color": [ 0, 0, 0, 255 ], "width": 0.8 } }, "values": [ [ "C44" ] ] }, { "label": "C41. Overpass. Vehicle to slow before asset and travel over asset at a maximum constant speed of 10 km/hr. No other heavy vehicle on bridge within 100m in direction of travel. 1 pilot vehicle required.", "description": "C41. Overpass. Vehicle to slow before asset and travel over asset at a maximum constant speed of 10 km/hr. No other heavy vehicle on bridge within 100m in direction of travel. 1 pilot vehicle required.", "symbol": { "type": "esriPMS", "url": "25cd18189fc39f6ff9f434653ed28ee6", "imageData": "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAABAAAAAQCAYAAAAf8/9hAAAACXBIWXMAAA7EAAAOxAGVKw4bAAABwElEQVQ4jbWTX0hTcRTHP5etP2zzv6jDkYRyVRRl9GJBQVATepHMIT70EJRJkCDK9FEUHL6IIPQehI+xoKSHJgS5BEFwWsMVTiRQbjgN3bzb2pTfZfj3chHELxx+nMOPzzm/3znHzAVlvixAOeAGZEAFZgEfkDwPoAcYAa7n5ZjYUzMkU/siHgHagTkjQLckMfbqqZ3eF+U47NdIp/fxB/7R743c/BGOfwGagJAeoBTwDvdW4OlyHAZNJgnX3Xzu3Grgfvti7kIoNg406wFaG2utFpFZSE1k+OiPUlNpob7ags1iYmKoknvu4EOgDNg4DZCfPCrWMgp1vF7m03RU8wPvG3DW2Why5mAvuSqtK8lqPYBaXHDkzi/taqf4g2AorgGECvPNrCvJPb0nfA+vHMYZ7LmBZyRCnWylxVWoxUQ31v4kYkBQDzA1+eFvuO+lQy4pusIzd6lmxzXpU9iJpyeys3EG8F/ZTLU99/wKvB2TbQV5Jzvsn9mm37v6TRRnNAeLn79uOW8/XnjT2VH2oL7GKu3G0kxNR+PvfMp4JsMQkDACCP1eWVNdA6OrRUBVttyfQErnruEybWbNUBfexgOcApGkx9qKKwAAAABJRU5ErkJggg==", "contentType": "image/png", "width": 12, "height": 12, "angle": 0, "xoffset": 0, "yoffset": 0 }, "values": [ [ "CO41" ] ] }, { "label": "C42. Overpass. Vehicle to slow before asset and travel on centreline of asset at a maximum constant speed of 10 km/hr. No other heavy vehicle on bridge within 100m in direction of travel. 1 pilot vehicle and 2 escorts required.", "description": "C42. Overpass. Vehicle to slow before asset and travel on centreline of asset at a maximum constant speed of 10 km/hr. No other heavy vehicle on bridge within 100m in direction of travel. 1 pilot vehicle and 2 escorts required.", "symbol": { "type": "esriPMS", "url": "82e50de7563594d5765a9232915e8fe2", "imageData": "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAABAAAAAQCAYAAAAf8/9hAAAACXBIWXMAAA7EAAAOxAGVKw4bAAAAoklEQVQ4jWNhoBCwUM2AjBiJaSxMjKbEaPrHyNg3beGz5SgGHDz+KSDAXUhSWJAVr+ZDpz4xfP3614WBgQHVABCICxZnUJbnYCAEtu9/T4MwQAfhOTfgbAtDXobCZGkGkgxYv+MtLiniDCAWsNDMgF93rAfABY+e/SSo4e3739gN+PD5z+7ovJv6xNjKy818HMOA569+xROjGQTeILmC4jAAAF3ALQehLI4kAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC", "contentType": "image/png", "width": 12, "height": 12, "angle": 0, "xoffset": 0, "yoffset": 0 }, "values": [ [ "CO42" ] ] }, { "label": "Permit required. Contact NHVR", "description": "Permit required. Contact NHVR", "symbol": { "type": "esriPMS", "url": "360661e7ae559024f5ed692641277a83", "imageData": "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAABAAAAAQCAYAAAAf8/9hAAAACXBIWXMAAA7EAAAOxAGVKw4bAAAA6klEQVQ4jbXTzypFURTH8c/SGchAyYAyUrryAvICUspEyVsobyADZhjwHkZGJkaUGcVEmZoYKOX6U1u3e27drrPvOXXzq12rvVrffmvtvQojqvgXQGIOW2ihjRucB1+1gMQuDjA+kHpObAe3WUBiB0cZt/O4TKwEj38AiRkcDusXkzjBWpWDTUyo12piNngZBLQ0U2BRBaCtuT56QdF3ed2w+B13VYAL3eku1QBOo89t0QuCn8474wpTmeJObi/7D4L7xDKOsY6xMvWGM+wHn1lACXnCRmIaC+VwH4LvKkvZZQpedc9QjbyNv9FuLpDWoTYVAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC", "contentType": "image/png", "width": 12, "height": 12, "angle": 0, "xoffset": 0, "yoffset": 0 }, "values": [ [ "R" ] ] }, { "label": "Permit required (overpass). Contact NHVR", "description": "Permit required (overpass). 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No other heavy vehicle on bridge within 100m in direction of travel. 1 pilot vehicle required." }, { "symbol": { "type": "esriPMS", "url": "292e4541b8268acea7c7f8731ce1d977", "imageData": "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAA8AAAAPCAYAAAA71pVKAAAACXBIWXMAAA7EAAAOxAGVKw4bAAAAyUlEQVQokWNhoACw4JHzZWBgmAmlz5Ki2ZeBgWHTtBZlhqyau2cYGBhMsBnAgkvj+lmaDN5OQgxGOjwMFgEXsRrAgk8jCIA0n9igj9UAFnwaYQCXASyENOIzgAUqNxMUOLg0IhtQmyfH0Dzp0WYGBgYpuM2gUAVJgjAusHXfO5BGEDMd2dkgP5iAnARyGjYDQBoD066DmH4MDAyb0QMMpwHYNDJgiSoMA3BpxKYZxQBo4GDViEsz3ABoqIICB0MjPs0wA6TwyDMAAF+dYeEY5umpAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC", "contentType": "image/png", "width": 11, "height": 11, "angle": 0, "xoffset": 0, "yoffset": 0 }, "value": "C33", "label": "C33. Vehicle shall travel in left lane, no travel in left shoulder. 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Vehicle travelling north to remain in the north-bound carriageway. 1 pilot vehicle and 2 escorts required." }, { "symbol": { "type": "esriPMS", "url": "292e4541b8268acea7c7f8731ce1d977", "imageData": "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAA8AAAAPCAYAAAA71pVKAAAACXBIWXMAAA7EAAAOxAGVKw4bAAAAyUlEQVQokWNhoACw4JHzZWBgmAmlz5Ki2ZeBgWHTtBZlhqyau2cYGBhMsBnAgkvj+lmaDN5OQgxGOjwMFgEXsRrAgk8jCIA0n9igj9UAFnwaYQCXASyENOIzgAUqNxMUOLg0IhtQmyfH0Dzp0WYGBgYpuM2gUAVJgjAusHXfO5BGEDMd2dkgP5iAnARyGjYDQBoD066DmH4MDAyb0QMMpwHYNDJgiSoMA3BpxKYZxQBo4GDViEsz3ABoqIICB0MjPs0wA6TwyDMAAF+dYeEY5umpAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC", "contentType": "image/png", "width": 11, "height": 11, "angle": 0, "xoffset": 0, "yoffset": 0 }, "value": "C35", "label": "C35. No other heavy vehicle on bridge within 100m in either direction. 1 pilot vehicle required." }, { "symbol": { "type": "esriPMS", "url": "292e4541b8268acea7c7f8731ce1d977", "imageData": "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAA8AAAAPCAYAAAA71pVKAAAACXBIWXMAAA7EAAAOxAGVKw4bAAAAyUlEQVQokWNhoACw4JHzZWBgmAmlz5Ki2ZeBgWHTtBZlhqyau2cYGBhMsBnAgkvj+lmaDN5OQgxGOjwMFgEXsRrAgk8jCIA0n9igj9UAFnwaYQCXASyENOIzgAUqNxMUOLg0IhtQmyfH0Dzp0WYGBgYpuM2gUAVJgjAusHXfO5BGEDMd2dkgP5iAnARyGjYDQBoD066DmH4MDAyb0QMMpwHYNDJgiSoMA3BpxKYZxQBo4GDViEsz3ABoqIICB0MjPs0wA6TwyDMAAF+dYeEY5umpAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC", "contentType": "image/png", "width": 11, "height": 11, "angle": 0, "xoffset": 0, "yoffset": 0 }, "value": "C36", "label": "C36. No other heavy vehicle on bridge within 200m in direction of travel. 1 pilot vehicle required." }, { "symbol": { "type": "esriPMS", "url": "292e4541b8268acea7c7f8731ce1d977", "imageData": "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAA8AAAAPCAYAAAA71pVKAAAACXBIWXMAAA7EAAAOxAGVKw4bAAAAyUlEQVQokWNhoACw4JHzZWBgmAmlz5Ki2ZeBgWHTtBZlhqyau2cYGBhMsBnAgkvj+lmaDN5OQgxGOjwMFgEXsRrAgk8jCIA0n9igj9UAFnwaYQCXASyENOIzgAUqNxMUOLg0IhtQmyfH0Dzp0WYGBgYpuM2gUAVJgjAusHXfO5BGEDMd2dkgP5iAnARyGjYDQBoD066DmH4MDAyb0QMMpwHYNDJgiSoMA3BpxKYZxQBo4GDViEsz3ABoqIICB0MjPs0wA6TwyDMAAF+dYeEY5umpAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC", "contentType": "image/png", "width": 11, "height": 11, "angle": 0, "xoffset": 0, "yoffset": 0 }, "value": "C37", "label": "C37. No other heavy vehicle on bridge within 200m in either direction. 1 pilot vehicle required." }, { "symbol": { "type": "esriSMS", "style": "esriSMSCircle", "color": [ 250, 220, 59, 255 ], "size": 7, "angle": 0, "xoffset": 0, "yoffset": 0, "outline": { "color": [ 0, 0, 0, 255 ], "width": 0.8 } }, "value": "C41", "label": "C41. Vehicle to slow before asset and travel over asset at a maximum constant speed of 10 km/hr. No other heavy vehicle on bridge within 100m in direction of travel. 1 pilot vehicle required." }, { "symbol": { "type": "esriPMS", "url": "b8ac1e6035bf197e412a3924c5f39199", "imageData": "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAAwAAAAMCAYAAABWdVznAAAACXBIWXMAAA7EAAAOxAGVKw4bAAAAVElEQVQokWNhgAApBgYGSQbC4CwLVPFTSTE2vCqfv/oFoqRBGiRBih8eM8WrQd7qNEiTJEgDSYBlVAMRABxKoEgBhTM+AI04sIazoBgERQoRFpwFAC6wFtCRcMbfAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC", "contentType": "image/png", "width": 9, "height": 9, "angle": 0, "xoffset": 0, "yoffset": 0 }, "value": "C42", "label": "C42. Vehicle to slow before asset and travel on centreline of asset at a maximum constant speed of 10 km/hr. No other heavy vehicle on bridge within 100m in direction of travel. 1 pilot vehicle and 2 escorts required." }, { "symbol": { "type": "esriSMS", "style": "esriSMSCircle", "color": [ 250, 220, 59, 255 ], "size": 7, "angle": 0, "xoffset": 0, "yoffset": 0, "outline": { "color": [ 0, 0, 0, 255 ], "width": 0.8 } }, "value": "C43", "label": "C43. Vehicle to slow before asset and travel over asset at a maximum constant speed of 10 km/hr. Vehicle shall travel in left lane, as close to left footpath as possible. No other heavy vehicle on bridge within 100m in direction of travel. 1 pilot vehicle required." }, { "symbol": { "type": "esriSMS", "style": "esriSMSCircle", "color": [ 250, 220, 59, 255 ], "size": 7, "angle": 0, "xoffset": 0, "yoffset": 0, "outline": { "color": [ 0, 0, 0, 255 ], "width": 0.8 } }, "value": "C44", "label": "C44. Vehicle to slow before asset and travel over asset at a maximum constant speed of 10 km/hr. 1 pilot vehicle required." }, { "symbol": { "type": "esriPMS", "url": "25cd18189fc39f6ff9f434653ed28ee6", "imageData": "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAABAAAAAQCAYAAAAf8/9hAAAACXBIWXMAAA7EAAAOxAGVKw4bAAABwElEQVQ4jbWTX0hTcRTHP5etP2zzv6jDkYRyVRRl9GJBQVATepHMIT70EJRJkCDK9FEUHL6IIPQehI+xoKSHJgS5BEFwWsMVTiRQbjgN3bzb2pTfZfj3chHELxx+nMOPzzm/3znHzAVlvixAOeAGZEAFZgEfkDwPoAcYAa7n5ZjYUzMkU/siHgHagTkjQLckMfbqqZ3eF+U47NdIp/fxB/7R743c/BGOfwGagJAeoBTwDvdW4OlyHAZNJgnX3Xzu3Grgfvti7kIoNg406wFaG2utFpFZSE1k+OiPUlNpob7ags1iYmKoknvu4EOgDNg4DZCfPCrWMgp1vF7m03RU8wPvG3DW2Why5mAvuSqtK8lqPYBaXHDkzi/taqf4g2AorgGECvPNrCvJPb0nfA+vHMYZ7LmBZyRCnWylxVWoxUQ31v4kYkBQDzA1+eFvuO+lQy4pusIzd6lmxzXpU9iJpyeys3EG8F/ZTLU99/wKvB2TbQV5Jzvsn9mm37v6TRRnNAeLn79uOW8/XnjT2VH2oL7GKu3G0kxNR+PvfMp4JsMQkDACCP1eWVNdA6OrRUBVttyfQErnruEybWbNUBfexgOcApGkx9qKKwAAAABJRU5ErkJggg==", "contentType": "image/png", "width": 12, "height": 12, "angle": 0, "xoffset": 0, "yoffset": 0 }, "value": "CO41", "label": "C41. Overpass. Vehicle to slow before asset and travel over asset at a maximum constant speed of 10 km/hr. No other heavy vehicle on bridge within 100m in direction of travel. 1 pilot vehicle required." }, { "symbol": { "type": "esriPMS", "url": "82e50de7563594d5765a9232915e8fe2", "imageData": "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAABAAAAAQCAYAAAAf8/9hAAAACXBIWXMAAA7EAAAOxAGVKw4bAAAAoklEQVQ4jWNhoBCwUM2AjBiJaSxMjKbEaPrHyNg3beGz5SgGHDz+KSDAXUhSWJAVr+ZDpz4xfP3614WBgQHVABCICxZnUJbnYCAEtu9/T4MwQAfhOTfgbAtDXobCZGkGkgxYv+MtLiniDCAWsNDMgF93rAfABY+e/SSo4e3739gN+PD5z+7ovJv6xNjKy818HMOA569+xROjGQTeILmC4jAAAF3ALQehLI4kAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC", "contentType": "image/png", "width": 12, "height": 12, "angle": 0, "xoffset": 0, "yoffset": 0 }, "value": "CO42", "label": "C42. Overpass. Vehicle to slow before asset and travel on centreline of asset at a maximum constant speed of 10 km/hr. 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