There are roads and bridges on the network which have a load limit applied by the Road Manager.
This can be for many reasons; the road pavement has been damaged, or stress has occurred on a bridge
which requires a limit to be placed on it.
A load limit sign specifies the permitted load limit, the permitted axle load limit or the maximum
dimensions of a vehicle or combination.
A vehicle or combination may not pass the load limit sign if the mass or dimension is greater than
stipulated on the sign.
However, there are provisions in the Vehicle and Traffic (Vehicle Operations) Regulations 2014 which
allow the
Transport Commission to issue a permit enabling the vehicle or combination to bypass the load limit
Load limited roads and bridges on the Network Map are identified in purple, a purple line signifies a
road and a purple dot signifies a bridge.
By clicking on the purple line or dot, information about the road or bridge is displayed in a ‘pop-up’
including the maximum mass allowed to travel over that road or bridge. If the mass of the vehicle plus
the load is under the prescribed load limit,
there is no requirement for further action. If the mass of the vehicle and load exceeds the prescribed
load limit and
you wish to travel over that road or bridge you need to:
If approved, you will be granted a permit to bypass a prescribed load limit. You will need to carry this permit in the vehicle.